Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Notes from The Road - 2009

I would write down these thoughts as they occurred while traveling.  Back in 2009 was going to be my first trip to New Orleans and first real cross-country flight.  So I kept a handwritten log of random thoughts that crossed my mind during my moments of pause.  I'll include 2021's thoughts and comments to my original posts below.  

A few little things I learned from my trip last week.  Random thoughts and non-sequiturs. 

 Your MP3 player can never have enough music.
The novelty of having a dedicated MP3 player back in 2009 when now ALL of your music and online streaming services can be accessed through your phone.

People watching at the airport is unparalleled.
STILL true to this day!

 Cormac McCarthy is incredibly overrated and his writing style impossible to follow.
And my opinion on the subject remains unchanged.

 The world is so much prettier from 39,000 feet.  Even Arizona.

I wish the pilot would let us know where we were so I'd know what city those lights were.
Yes, I know they're sort of busy keeping the plane in the air but honestly, the plane's flying itself most of the trip, what could it hurt to say, "To the left, you can see the lights of *random flyover city*.

The flight crew doesn't appreciate my sense of humor when it comes to rolling peanut M&Ms on the floor.
I'm actually kind of curious what I did there to write this.  😆

77-year-old veterans love to talk to you about EVERYTHING.  And they have every right to.
NOLA is home to the WWII Museum.  And you damn well let those men and women say whatever they have to say.

 My boss forget EVERYTHING.
This holds true for my last 2 now.

 My assistant director is the only person on staff who knows what's going on.
This WAS true.  Until she went out in a blaze of glory.

 Nothing is more relaxing than a hotel room shower after a long trip.

 They call it a "continental breakfast" but it's really only muffins and fruit.
Just call it an early morning snack.  Don't pretend anyone's getting a meal out of these things.

 Why is it that working on a laptop not as rude as texting on your cell during a meeting?
I have since graduated to bringing my own laptop to meetings.

 There are a LOT of people from Minnesota and they love to travel in packs.

 Math formula: 5 hours sleep minus 2 hours time zone change = sleepy Louie at 9 a.m.

 When a fat, ugly woman puts a flower in her hair, she's still just a fat ugly woman with a flower in her hair.
This was VERY rude of me.  It's still true, just very rude.

 Bourbon Street isn't so much a street as a wide alley.  And yes, Disneyland got it almost exactly right!  Except for the beads.

 I came across a couple of people speaking in Creole and my first thought was: What the fuck did they just say?
Still never figured out what they were saying.  And is Creole like, a class you can take somewhere?  Anyone offer an online class?  Babelfish?  Rosetta Stone?

 Q&A sessions should include, oh, I don't know...  a QUESTION? 
and STILL, people standing up to talk often just want to interject their own self-importance to the discussion.

 The Internet "Cloud" has ALWAYS been around.  They just thought calling it a cloud was making new and inventive. 
What's funny is that referring to the net as the "Cloud" has become a much more acceptable expression since this post.

 Reading notes I wrote when I was half asleep doesn't do me any good. 

 The flight home always feels longer.

 There really is no place like home.
As much as I HATE LAX, hearing the pilot announce, "We are now making our descent into Los Angeles International Airport" just brings a sense of relief.  

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